When you start a Bali villas rental business, there are several models as to how you can operate that business and how it generates income.
One is to simply run the business directly by yourself, including marketing your villa, generating rental clients, and dealing with rental payments.
However, if you would like to have a more passive role, but still benefit from the income your Bali villa or villas can generate then one option which may appeal to you is to become an Airbnb Superhost.
Airbnb is a business model which has rocketed in recent years and is based upon individuals renting out their home or rooms within their home via the Airbnb website for which Airbnb takes a percentage of the rental fee from both the guests and the host.
Some Bali villa owners might not like the idea of giving up a share of their rental income, especially for each guest who rents from them, but there are several reasons why you might wish to sacrifice that small amount for the benefits that Airbnb can bring.
However, there is a caveat to that, and that is to fully maximise any benefits you must become an Airbnb Superhost.
First, let us look at what the benefits of becoming a Superhost dithiirane are to you and your Bali villas business.
The most obvious is that you can have the Superhost badge on your listings which sets you apart from other Bali villa owners. This can make a huge difference to the number of enquiries you receive especially if there are several other Bali villa listings next to your which are not Superhosts.
Many people who use Airbnb are regulars and know what to look for. One of the first is a Superhost badge as this indicates a host who is experienced, professional, and more likely to offer an excellent level of service.
Being a Superhost also leads to you gaining increased visibility on Airbnb’s search results, a chance of being featured in promotional emails they send, and as searches can be filtered, if someone wants to see Superhosts only in their search results, your listing could be one of them.
The other benefit of being a Superhost with Airbnb is that they will provide you with priority support should you ever need to contact them. An added incentive is that you can receive invites, offers, and rewards to which non-Superhosts are not entitled.
So, that is the benefits of being a Superhost with the key being that it provides avenues for you to receive more enquiries and thus more rental income, however, becoming a Superhost is vital so let us look at how you do so.
In truth, becoming a Superhost with Airbnb is straightforward, though not necessarily easy. In other words, the criteria are simple to understand, but it is not necessarily easy to achieve.
There are four main criteria, which are overall rating, total stays, cancellation rate, and response rate Below are the details of each.
- Overall Rating: This must average 4.8 or higher from Airbnb guests
- Total Stays: Your Bali villa must have had 10 stays in the previous 12 months or 3 long-term stays over 100 nights.
- Cancellation Rate: Must be less than 1% although cancellations due to certain circumstances will not count.
- Response Rate: You should respond to at least 90% of new messages within 24 hours.
Each of the above criteria is reassessed by Airbnb every three months